Welcome to Kid City!

KID CITY, a project of Maplewood Parks and Recreation with Z Puppets Rosenschnoz, is now in it's second year

thanks to funding from the MN State Arts Board, Bigelow Foundation, St Paul Foundation and Metropolitan Regional Arts Council!  

Here's to the power of playfulness!!!

Thank you to everyone who came to the 2nd annual

KID CITY Laugh In!

Did you miss it? Watch the full program below!




For the most current updates on KID CITY programming, visit our KID CITY BLOg here!  


stay up to date with everything KID CITY has planned via facebook, twitter, and our hashtag #KIDCITYMN. 

Funny Face Gallery!

The Funny Face Gallery is an ongoing collection of pictures taken at Kid City events all over Maplewood! Do you see yourself!

Have questions or an idea for Kid City? 

Contact Outreach Coordinator Gaosong Heu at gaosong@zpuppets.org to tell us about your big idea for KID CITY!


KID CITY in the News!


This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.