KID CITY Laugh IN Flier!
Gaosong here and have I missed you all! 1 week and a half is too long to be away from you all. I have such exciting news! Today, March 1st, 2017, MARKS THE OFFICIAL START OF KID CITY'S JOKE SWAP CHALLENGE!
The Joke Swap Challenge is a friendly competition between the Maplewood City Council and the Maplewood Police Department, to see who can collect the funniest joke and be declared the winners of the 2nd annual Joke Swap Challenge!
The purpose of the Joke Swap is to engage all of Maplewood in laughter and play. Last year the Maplewood Police Department took first place with the funniest joke, as determined by the audience!
Will the Police Department be victorious again, or will the City Council have a roaring win!?
Here is the framework to the Joke Swap!
1) If you meet a member of City Council or the Maplewood Police Department, ask about this form!
City Council will have a yellow version, while the Police Department will have a blue version!
3) Fill out the form and BRING YOUR JOKE THE THE LAUGH IN!
4) Winners of the Joke Swap must be present at the Laugh IN to receive a prize.
6 Semi-finalist will get Skating Passes to Saints North AND The Grand Prize is a free Splash Bath Birthday Party at the Maplewood Community Center/YMCA, as well as a photo with Mayor Slawick and Police Chief Schnell, which will be published within Maplewood Living!
If you need Inspiration follow #KIDCITYjoke or call our Joke Hotline at 651-432-4004 to hear our weekly joke!? Want to be featured? Tell us your joke by tweeting your joke to #KIDCITYjoke or #KIDCITYMN
So have fun! And submit as many jokes as you'd like!
City Council and the Maplewood Police Department have officially 31 days to get all you wonderful people to the Laugh IN with your BEST JOKE!
Who will you give your joke to?
Till next week! I leave you with the winning joke from last year's Joke Swap Competition!
"What chews wood and loves to sing? JUSTIN BEAVER!"
See you all soon!